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Where Will Carrie Be Next?

Told that writers tend to drink heavily, Carrie gets an early start.

For the most current information, please check my online journal.


Planned appearances in 2024:

October 25-27, 2024: MileHi Con in Denver, CO.

Saturday, November 2, 2024, 1 pm: I'll be in conversation with author Daniel Abraham as Beastly Books in Santa Fe, NM.

I'm usually at my local convention in Denver in October, MileHi Con, and am frequently at Bubonicon in Albuquerque NM in August. Check back for more info!

Get signed copies:

Who Else! Books at the Broadway Book Mall may still have some signed books available. They'll also take orders. Phone: 303-744-BOOK (2665).

Beastly Books in Santa Fe also has many of my books for sale, many of them signed.


Appearances online:

Find links to lots of Carrie's interviews and essays here.

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